Approx. Occupancy The approximate occupancy of each office is calculated using anonymized and aggregated data from each office’s badge readers. Specifically, the “approximate occupancy” value is calculated as the “number of unique people who have badged into this office over the past 8 hours” and this value is compared to the number of people who are assigned to each office to come up with the approximate occupancy percentage. Aware does not have any information (nor do we want any information) about individual’s occupancy status. (That is, we have no idea who is in, or not in, any of the offices - we just get an aggregated count of the number of people who have badged in.)
Some offices do not have badge readers hooked into the corporate system (shown in grey), so we are currently unable to perform any occupancy calculations in those locations.
When in peak mode, the colouring of the world map and Treemap corresponds to the “peak” occupancy of each office over the past 7 days. This view is useful to get an overall idea of how “open” each of the offices around the world are. Conversely, in now mode, the colouring shows the approximate occupancy percentage for each office “right now”, using data updated within the last 30 minutes. In this view, offices in other parts of the world will often be shown as “0% occupied”, since that part of the world not currently in normal working hours.
The approximate occupancy of each office is calculated using anonymized and aggregated data from each office’s badge readers. Specifically, the “approximate occupancy” value is calculated as the “number of unique people who have badged into this office over the past 8 hours” and this value is compared to the number of people who are assigned to each office to come up with the approximate occupancy percentage. Aware does not have any information (nor do we want any information) about individual’s occupancy status. (That is, we have no idea who is in, or not in, any of the offices - we just get an aggregated count of the number of people who have badged in.)
Some offices do not have badge readers hooked into the corporate system (shown in grey), so we are currently unable to perform any occupancy calculations in those locations.
When in peak mode, the colouring of the world map and Treemap corresponds to the “peak” occupancy of each office over the past 7 days. This view is useful to get an overall idea of how “open” each of the offices around the world are. Conversely, in now mode, the colouring shows the approximate occupancy percentage for each office “right now”, using data updated within the last 30 minutes. In this view, offices in other parts of the world will often be shown as “0% occupied”, since that part of the world not currently in normal working hours.